donderdag 2 december 2010

Enriched by Emily et Nous

How home decorators or interior inspired people enrich our craftmanship is one of the most important aspects for us and our collection.

That is why I'm dedicating a series of posts to company's/people who know where and how to use our fruniture. Marie, Henri, Augustin etc. look great when they are in our "Atelier" - workhouse, but when they leave, for their new home, it's good to know they will be taken care of cherished. Time will give them character, people will give them a soul and we feel satisfied.

First in the series of "enriched" is: "Emily et Nous", a belgian company located in the lovely Brugge.

Just have a look at these images and you realise, that the picture is perfect.

marie - winetable

desirée - monastery table

augustin - storage cube

If you want to read more or maybe feast your eyes, take a look at their site:


emily et nous
tel. 0495/67 93 50

ECES bvba
Oud strijderlaan 23
8200 Brugge

© emily et nous - all images

thank you emily et nous

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